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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) - Dictionary and Glossary of Life Cycle related Business modelling terms

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German English
Annuitätenfaktor ; Wiedergewinnungsfaktor (Wiki, Gabler)
Annuity factor ; repayment factor (Wiki, Gabler)
   equivalent annual cost (EAC)
   present value
Annuitätsmethode (Wiki, Gabler) Equivalent annual cost (Wiki, Gabler)
Betriebskosten (Wiki, Gabler) Operating cost (Wiki, Gabler)
   operating expense
   operating expenditure (OPEX) ; Operational expenditure
Gemeinkosten (Wiki, Gabler)
   Kostenstellengemeinkosten ; Sekundärkosten
Overhead costs (Wiki, Gabler)
   cost center overhead costs ; division overhead costs ; secondary cost
   cost allocation
Gesamtbetriebskosten (Wiki, Gabler) Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) (Wiki, Gabler)
gewichteter Mittelwert von Fremd- und Eigenkapitalkosten (Wiki, Gabler) weighted average cost of capital (WACC) (Wiki, Gabler)
inkrementeller Kapitalwert; Differenz-Kapitalwert; Differenzkosten-Kapitalwert (Wiki, Gabler)
   Kapitalwert; absoluter Kapitalwert; Gesamtkosten-Kapitalwert
incremental NPV; differential NPV; incremental cost NPV (Wiki, Gabler)
   NPV; absolute NPV; total cost NPV
Inspektionskosten (Wiki, Gabler)
   Instandsetzungskosten ; Reparaturkosten
   Verbesserungskosten ; Optimierungskosten
Inspection cost (Wiki, Gabler)
   Repair and churn cost
   Improvement cost
   Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) cost
   Maintenance cost
Instandhaltungskosten (Wiki, Gabler)
   Instandsetzungskosten ; Reparaturkosten
   Verbesserungskosten ; Optimierungskosten
Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) cost (Wiki, Gabler)
   Maintenance cost
   Inspection cost
   Repair and churn cost
   Improvement cost
Instandsetzungskosten ; Reparaturkosten (Wiki, Gabler)
   Verbesserungskosten ; Optimierungskosten
Repair and churn cost (Wiki, Gabler)
   Improvement cost
   Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) cost
   Maintenance cost
   Inspection cost
Kostenartenrechnung (Wiki, Gabler) cost accounting (Wiki, Gabler)
Kostenträgerrechnung (Wiki, Gabler) cost unit accounting ; cost object accounting (Wiki, Gabler)
Kostenträgerstückrechnung (Wiki, Gabler)
product costing ; unit-of-output costing (Wiki, Gabler)
   unit cost accounting ; unit cost allocation
   output costing ; process costing
   equivalent unit cost accounting ; equivalent unit cost allocation
   overhead calculation
   combined product costing ; combined unit-of-output costing
Lebenszyklus-Zielkostenrechnung ; Zielkostenrechnung für Lebenszykluskosten (Wiki, Gabler) Target Life Cycle Costing (TLCC) (Wiki, Gabler)
Lebenszykluskosten (LZK) (Wiki, Gabler) Life Cycle Cost (LCC) ; Whole-life cost (Wiki, Gabler)
Lebenszykluskosten Analyse (LZK Analyse) (Wiki, Gabler)
   Lebenszykluskosten Bewertung (LZK Bewertung)
Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA) ; Life cycle cost analysis ; Whole-life cost assessment (Wiki, Gabler)
   Life Cycle Cost evaluation ; Whole-life cost evaluation
   Life-cycle assessment (LCA)
Lebenszykluskostenmodellierung (Wiki, Gabler)
Life-cycle cost modelling (Wiki, Gabler)
   LCC modelling
Lebenszykluskostenrechnung (Wiki, Gabler) Life Cycle Costing (LCC) ; Whole-life cost (Wiki, Gabler)
Opportunitätskosten ; entgangener Nutzen ; entgangener Erlös (Wiki, Gabler) Opportunity cost ; missed output of an alternative (Wiki, Gabler)
Verbesserungskosten ; Optimierungskosten (Wiki, Gabler)
   Instandsetzungskosten ; Reparaturkosten
Improvement cost (Wiki, Gabler)
   Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) cost
   Maintenance cost
   Inspection cost
   Repair and churn cost
Wartungskosten (Wiki, Gabler)
   Instandsetzungskosten ; Reparaturkosten
   Verbesserungskosten ; Optimierungskosten
Maintenance cost (Wiki, Gabler)
   Inspection cost
   Repair and churn cost
   Improvement cost
   Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) cost
Zielkostenrechnung ; retrograde Kostenkalkulation (Wiki, Gabler) Target Costing ; Target Pricing (Wiki, Gabler)
Zuschlagskalkulation (Wiki, Gabler)
   Gemeinkosten Zuschlagskalkulation
Cost allocation (Wiki, Gabler)
   overhead cost allocation

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